Total Medals Earned: 1,093 (From 180 different games.) Total Medal Score: 22,135 Points
Medals Earned: 2/40 (30/500 points)
Open the first present!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Open the second present!
Open the third present!
Open the fourth present!
Open the fifth present!
Open the sixth present!
Open the seventh present!
Open the eighth present!
Open the ninth present!
Open the tenth present!
Open the 11th present!
Open the twelfth present!
Open the thirteenth present!
Open the fourteenth present!
Open the fifteenth present!
Open the sixteenth present!
Open the seventeenth present!
Open the eighteenth present!
Open the nineteenth present!
Open the twentieth present!
Open the twenty-first present!
Open the twenty-second present!
Open the twenty-third present!
Open the twenty-fourth present!
Open the twenty-fifth present!
Open the twenty-sixth present!
Open the twenty-seventh present!
Open the twenty-eighth present!
Open the twenty-nineth present!
Open the thirtieth present!
Open the thirty-first present!
Open the last present!
Collect all the Happy Thoughts
Get a score of 10 or less on Pin the Tail
Score at least 20,000 points in Festive Forage
Collect all 99 Lucia Cats in Hot Bun Run in under 90 seconds!
Take a stroll down the Credits Hall when it's over.
Medals Earned: 3/3 (85/85 points)
Forgo your worldly posessions.
Deliver your taxes to the IRS in a timely manner.
Send a Lexus back to the shop.
Medals Earned: 5/9 (55/355 points)
Terrible Game
Bad Game
Good Game
Nice Game
Great Game
Perfect Game
Medals Earned: 2/12 (55/295 points)
Decide to play the game.
Figure out the only way to die in the game.
Visit the disco zone three times because you love to dance.
Try to bribe Big Frank too early.
Try to grab all the tables.
Collect a piece of fine carpet when your boss isn't looking.
Talk to every potential inventory item before collecting it.
Give your presentation while Gilda is topless.
Finish the game in under 2 minutes.
Medals Earned: 2/8 (10/45 points)
Finished your first drawing.
Notified someone after taking your turn.
Started a game with a random user.
Found the hidden troll face.
Reach a score of at least 10.
Medals Earned: 8/15 (50/125 points)
You got some hlep from the Sagi crew.
You ate so much meat you gonna pop!
There IS time for loving.
Had a shootout.
Giving it one.
I've seen things man, terrible things...
The coward lives to flee another day.
Sweet home on it... how I wish I could stay.
You're like a tank! Ain't nuthin' gettin' through.
Build a terrifying arsenal.
Medals Earned: 1/12 (5/330 points)
-1 Life!
Unwrap an Empty Present
Unwrap a Rare Present
Complete the Impossible Quizmas
Collect all 45 Quizmas Presents
Medals Earned: 11/11 (140/140 points)
Medals Earned: 21/21 (205/205 points)
Medals Earned: 10/10 (65/65 points)