Has it really been 7 years I mean REALLY, I feel old.
When I first joined this site I was 16, had no flash experience, didn't even know there was a program called that.
It was in February 2006 (now 17) after looking at so many movies and games I thought just one thing, how are they making these? After a bit of investigating I found out that they used a program called flash 8. I downloaded a 30 trial and got straight into it.
My creativity spark was so huge back then, I was always looking for ways to improve my flash, looking at newgrounds tutorials and Learn Flash videos all day and night.
But when it came to submitting my masterpiece to the portal, ONE THING always got in my way, THE JUDGEMENT SYSTEM.
As the months went by I watched as my creations got destroyed again and again and again by the unforgiving community.
Sometimes I would resubmit a deleted flash in a blind rage almost demanding that it should pass judgement but to no avail.
It wasn't until the middle of 2007 that something finally got through but only just. I felt so good seeing it there on the site with no purple colour over it. It was there to stay and be seen by my fellow newgrounders. After that getting my work past the judgement system got easier and easier until so easy I didn't even have to try.
So yeah there's some history about me.